
2nd October 2012By Deborah SadlerChoices, Solutions, Therapy

Have you got a clear view of what the ideal outcome would be to your problem?  If you’re having problems in your relationship, how would you envisage your ideal relationship; how would you like your interaction with your child/parent to be; what will life look like if you are no longer depressed, anxious or addicted; … Read More

About Depression

8th May 2012By Deborah SadlerChoices, Issues, Therapy

Signs and Symptoms There is no question that depression is extremely debilitating and has many symptoms : fatigue, lack of motivation, a deep despair, lack of confidence and self-esteem,  anger, inability to sleep, suicidal thoughts (or attempts), forgetfulness, overwork and hyper-activity  – the list is endless.  Depression can strike at any time in our lives … Read More


12th April 2012By Deborah SadlerSolutions, Therapy, Work

When asked what they are seeking from their therapy clients often say that what they want is another perspective on their problems, that they are looking for tools to help them.  Describing their goal in this way makes perfect sense.  This clearly stated aim shows a determination to solve the problem.  In solution-focused therapy clients … Read More