Dr John Gottman has studied couples for over thirty years and has used his research to evolve a particular method of working with couples who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships. You may wish to view this clip, which identifies some of the essential elements which make couple relationships work.
This was an out-take of one of his talks which can be found on www.youtube.com (Making Relationships Work – Part 1, 2, 3)
If your relationship is in trouble, don’t hang on grimly just hoping the problem will sort itself out. It may not be too late to find some good, experienced help – but make sure the therapy is not just a talking shop where you air your grievances and hope your insights will fix the problem; you need to take some definitive steps to put things right and your therapist should be able to assist with this process. Just think of the gains if you can do this and how far reaching they may be…