One of my specialisms is helping clients who have anxiety. Anxiety, phobias, panic attacks and depression often work hand in glove. These are sometimes set off by a current life event or can be more long term with no obvious reason for their onset. When anxiety starts to affect life negatively and goes beyond the ordinary … Read More
Student Counselling
Tips for effective studying
This post on tips for effective studying is for students, old and young. Hope is at hand! Here is a link to some excellent tips on how to study less by studying effectively – and retaining more information as a consequence. Some who have used these tips report a noticeable increase in grades and more enjoyment of both their studying … Read More
Techniques for Learning
It’s exam time again for many of my clients – students both young and old are applying techniques for learning. They may find this additional information on how to learn, useful. Good luck with exams and happy summer holidays to follow.
Student Counselling – Online
For some time I have been following various research studies on student counselling at universities. This latest one comes from a study done by the National Union of Students (NUS). It interests me because, despite being a limited study, the points it raises are fairly typical of student counselling services and the comments from readers are also … Read More